Friday, March 21, 2008

Out Caching Last Night

So last night after I got off work, I got home....and decided that since there was absolutely NOTHING on TV to watch...we would run a couple errands. That means....we hit Wal-Mart for a couple things we need and then GEOCACHE!!

We ended up doing 6 caches last night...and enjoyed every one of them.

This first picture shows us as one called Dougsmiley's Got 5000 Finds. It was placed in honor a cacher here in Indiana that has now well over 5000 finds. It was a cool cache....but a little further of a hike than we thought. **I hate taking pictures like it shows how FAT my face is! LOL**

This next picture shows you our VAN which we left just parked along side the road. It looks a little closer than it was....because it was just about 400 feet away. But this little cache took us about 20 minutes to get to it because there was a lot of water that we had to be careful of. And of course...we took the wrong path the first time...and would have ended up having to cross the creek. I DONT THINK SO!! So we went back to the road and came back around.

At the bridge where we parked....just underneath...we saw this. Its amazing how much graffitti you will see while out caching. And although some of the artwork is beautiful...we wish that people would present it in art musuems or something...instead of messing up public property.

We also saw this sign on the way back to the van. There was nothing really there to this sign kinda disturbed us. We are still wondering what was out there (Behind that fence) that we shouldn't disturb.

We also were able to hit this tiny little cemetery cache out in the middle of nowhere (but very close to the other caches we hit tonight). This one also took us a little longer than the coords were WAY off. But using our geosense...we quickly found it.

This next cache was really cool! We had been to this area before....but at that time....the cache we were seeking tonight was not in place then. I knew that it was on or around the giant bear statue pictured below....but I had no coords at all written down, but we decided to try it anyway. Less then 8 minutes after getting there...we had it in hand.

We weren't sure we were going to be able to get to the Bear when we got there...the gate was closed and the sign below was posted. Well nothing stops us geocachers. We crossed over the gate...walked about 1/2 mile...and got our find!!

We hit a couple others last night as well.....a puzzle cache and another small one near a Hospital. And without much incident...we got our our stuff from Wal-Mart....and was home around 8:00.

Over all....a GREAT night!!!


cosmiccowgirl said...

I like that "Lose for the Season" sign ;). I might get me one of those to keep me motivated in hubby and I's Biggest Loser Contest. That sign could be taken many different ways. Very inspiring and funny.
Sounds like good geocaching times.

Josh said...

Ahh, graffiti, do not disturb signs and hopping over fences. What more could you ask for in a day.

Geocaching With Team Hick@Heart

tonka_boy said...

There's a big bear sculpture just like that one in front of a Dick's Sporting Goods store up here in the Twin Cities. Must be the same artist that did them. Nice photo essay, Good day of geocaching!

The Northwoods Geocats

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Where is this?